Hello the links of my friends ^_^

Mexican sites

(werewolfs) This site is Mexican

(no furry or hibrids)

The page of Grimal

It's a good site with images of wolfs and others species...^^

(Radio Kumanda ^^)

music, music and music...^^

It's the page of Ultra Wolf, my brother...^^
M... the page of Shadow Bunny a friend^^

Alphabreak2 This is the site of my friend Raccoon ^^

This is the page of my other brother... ^^
Well thois page isn't Mexican but is the Page of a very good friend of mine... ^^
He's another friend, He's from spain! hehe
Link to my friend were -C- pardus ^^
Link to a wolf that lives in Puebla! ^^

Japanese sites

The page of garu... a friend from Japan...^^ (the first) he has a very good images...^^

Infinite Divide... m... a interesting page and good images,,,^^

Inuya... DOGS! DOGS! DOGS!! *ahem* heha very good page ^^

Wild Frontier as you could see his drawings are wolfs with a "indian" style... very good drawings ^^
Kaosa's gallery... m... heh... good drawings ^^

this is a very good japenese site... ^^ (heh... cool images!)


this is the link to my page in english

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